Agile Development
At drunomics, we believe in the Agile Development Methodology and the closely related DevOps Principles. They build the foundation for how we work.

The goal of Scrum and the Agile Method is to deliver deployable work (called deliverables) in small increments. One or more deliverables are developed in a sprint. Teams have everything they need to be able to organize and achieve a sprint goal. Why use this approach? It has been shown, repeatedly, that it delivers high quality results in a timely manner.
As part of the drunomics project onboarding experience, we set up continuous integration and automated testing for your project. The other part is defining the project goal and scope. Then we simply let Scrum take over.
Did you know?
Our product is an out-of-the-box solution that has continuous integration and automated testing set up. Interested?
We get you fast-tracked, taking your feature requests and formulating them into stories, and tasks, then defining acceptance criteria. As the product owner (you are not just a project manager any more), we will work with you to manage the backlog of tasks, to organize them into Sprints and to hold the Sprint Meetings. From there, the Scrum Sprint Workflow takes over with us as your development team.