Join us at DrupalCon Prague 2022!


We are looking forward to the event. Join us to learn, meet and contribute!

Our role related to the Drupalcon started a while ago, 6 months ago and it shows.

I, Jeremy, got on board as a track reviewer for the Users & Editors track in March. It was a fun opportunity and only cost several hours of grading papers... rather than presentations. It reminded me of my days as a teacher. I had a great track review team and look forward to seeing them in a month.

Wolfgang spurred us on and we submitted several presentation proposals. In the end, 3 proposals were accepted!

Track: Users & Editors

Room: D6

Timeslot: Wednesday, 21 September 2022 - 17:15 to 17:35

Sign-up: Content Editing Challenges in a Decoupled (Drupal) Environment

Featured talk by Wolfgang: Drupal - A Tool for JavaScript developers?

Track: Open Web & Community

Room: D6

Timeslot: Thursday, 22 September 2022 - 17:15 to 17:35

Sign-up: Drupal - A Tool for JavaScript developers?

Presentation by Petar: End to end testing with Playwright

Track: Makers & Builders

Room: Room D3

Timeslot: Thursday, 22 September 2022 - 17:15 to 17:35

Sign-up: End to end testing with Playwright

Sponsoring Contribution Day

Finally, we are happy to sponsor the Contribution Day this year! It is that kind of event where Drupal is built and the community comes together to make Drupal better. We'll join the day and focus on building Lupus Decoupled Drupal!

Hope to see YOU in Prague in September!

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Custom Elements UI: quicker changes to your decoupled Drupal site

Custom Elements09. July 2024
The latest version of the Custom Elements module empowers developers building headless Drupal solutions. With a user-friendly interface, it’s now easier to modify output entities, adjust properties, and change formats. At Drupal Developer Days Burgas, attendees explored the Custom Elements UI and discussed Lupus Decoupled, an efficient stack for decoupled Drupal applications.